Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The White Flag Has Been Raised

So the power came on,but the fins of the radiator are just too rusted to weld. We have raised the white flag and will be partying in G'ville tomorrow.

We Haven't Given Up Yet

If we can get the radiator out, then the proper repairs can be made and we may make it to Miami just yet. But firs we have to get the radiator out.

So.. We Got The Radiator Out

But now the power is out so we can't weld it and fix the leak. It really seems like something is trying to tell us not to go.

What A Nice View Of Ocala

Well we had gotten the bus started but then turned it off while we were calling around to find a place that could fix the leak. we haven't been able to get it restarted but it lloks like Jim just got it to start.

Needless to say, we are headed home and will be trying to get the radiator out to fix it.

and worse...

And now we can't get the bus started.

And it gets worse...

Either the leak Jim found last night wasn't the only one or the radiator is just shot. Either way its toast.

Oh :rap We Are Gushing Fluids

We'veb pulled ino a bank parking lot to investigate.