Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The White Flag Has Been Raised

So the power came on,but the fins of the radiator are just too rusted to weld. We have raised the white flag and will be partying in G'ville tomorrow.

We Haven't Given Up Yet

If we can get the radiator out, then the proper repairs can be made and we may make it to Miami just yet. But firs we have to get the radiator out.

So.. We Got The Radiator Out

But now the power is out so we can't weld it and fix the leak. It really seems like something is trying to tell us not to go.

What A Nice View Of Ocala

Well we had gotten the bus started but then turned it off while we were calling around to find a place that could fix the leak. we haven't been able to get it restarted but it lloks like Jim just got it to start.

Needless to say, we are headed home and will be trying to get the radiator out to fix it.

and worse...

And now we can't get the bus started.

And it gets worse...

Either the leak Jim found last night wasn't the only one or the radiator is just shot. Either way its toast.

Oh :rap We Are Gushing Fluids

We'veb pulled ino a bank parking lot to investigate.

Into Marion County

We've succesfully navigated our way out of Levy County and into Marion County. I'm currently working on reloading the maps on the GPS as it had locked up the other day. So far so good. Only about another 400 miles to go!

Huston We Are go For Launch

Despite delays and a few setbacks, the Swampbus is on its way to Miami.

Russ Gets The Party Started

Just a few minutes from final count dow Russ feels confident enough to get the party started.

Things Are Starting To Look Up

Jim got the Gator Head on the back of the bus and it looks great! He's currently charging the A/C so we won't sweat to death. Things are looking up for the Swampbus.

Another Update On The Radiator

I just spoke with Jim and he doesn't think the repair he made was reliable but he came up with an idea he thinks will work. He asked that we bring any and all hemostats we have for the fix. I have no idea what he's going to do with them but I'm taking the two I have.

Jim also said he doesn't think we'll be leaving at 9 am as planned but we should be good to go. Keep your fingers crossed for the Swampbus.

A Finger On the Dike

Jim worked until a little after midnight and was not able to get the radiator out of the bus so he soldered it in place. It no longer leaks so that's a good sign. We are going to have to stress test it before we leave because who knows what will happen once we build up pressure but at least for now, it looks like the Swampbus can roll out on schedule.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Call from Karen

Karen called to give an update. Jim found the leak and thinks he can fix it, he just needs to get the radiator out first. He's reading the the bus manual to figure out how to get it out as I type this. Next update probably won't be until tomorrow morning.

An Update From Super Jim...

"Found hte leak - a plit in one of the cores of the left radiator. If I can get it out, I should be able to fix it."

There's hope at least...

Hopefully Just a Minor Setback...

So I just got a call from Jim. The good news is he made it home. The bad news is he had to fill the radiator with water to get it there. Jim is going to try and find the leak but at this point it doesn't look good for the Swampbus.

Oh yeah, Jim did get the Gator head on the back and he said it looks great. Let's hope we get to show it off tomorrow.

Gator Nation Can Rest Easy

If there was one sure way to predict the success or failure of the Florida Gators football team during the 2008 season it was by the shirt I was wearing. Now, I’m not saying that the shirt on my back is responsible for the success or failure of the Gators, but I’ll let the stats speak for themselves. The Gators went 12-0 when I was wearing my white UF Polo shirt and lost their only game to Ole Miss when I failed to wear it because it hadn’t been washed from the previous week’s game. Gator Nation can rest easy as the white Polo shirt has been washed and packed for the trip.

A Little Background For New Readers

For those readers who happen to just stumble by this blog, it might be good to give you a little information on what this place in cyberspace is all about.

Back in the fall of 2007, four rabid Florida Gator football fans (Jim, Karen, Cheeseball, and I) took a trip to watch the Gators play South Carolina Gamecocks. While tailgating outside the stadium, we saw an old school bus painted orange and blue by a group of Gator fans much like ourselves. During the drive back to Gainesville, it was decided we wanted to have our own Gator bus.

After much debate about whether we could pull it off, the four of us along with three other investors (Russ, Shannon, and Gus) we purchased the bus in early March 2008 and had hoped it would be ready for opening day against Hawaii. It took us some time to get organized but the first official work party was June 7th 2008. After many, many, many hours of work , we soon realized that we were not going to make our goal of getting the bus drivable for Hawaii. Of course, once football season arrived our weekends were filled with football and thus not much progress was made on the bus...

Until December rolled around.. Jim, Karen, Cheeseball, and I traveled to Atlanta to tailgate and watch the Gators win the SEC Championship. On the drive back to G'ville, it was decided we would do everything in our power to get the Swampbus ready for the BCS Championship Game. After all, how many times will the Gators be in the national championship game just down the road from us.

With many hours of work not just from the investors, but also friends and co-workers great progress was made on the bus in just a short month and that brings us to where we are today. The eve of the first football trip for the Swampbus. You can check out the construction photos and get other information on our website at

Here's hopeing for a Gator win on Thursday and a safe and fun trip. Stay tuned, its going to be a fun ride for sure.

Welcome To The Adventures of The Swampbus

We are on the eve of the first great trip of the Swampbus. Tomorrow we head to Miami to watch the Florida Gators take on the University of Oklahoma. Check back here often to see the latest updates.